WAX 2017 Program

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Chang Le Room

9:00–9:15am: Opening and introductions

Be ready to introduce yourself!

9:15–10:00am: Keynote

Lingjia Tang, University of Michigan: “Scalable Approximation Computing: a Cross-Layer Solution.”

10:00am–10:15am: Lightning talks

  1. Ming Liu, University of Washington: Approximating Data-plane Algorithms on the Programmable Switch
  2. Adrian Sampson, Cornell University: QuEST, the Quality-Efficient System Tournament
  3. Luis Ceze, University of Washington: Towards a Wet-Dry Computer

10:15–10:30am: Break

10:30–11:30am: Paper talks

Talks are 10 minutes each. There will be a 3-minute moment for questions immediately afterward; in the rest of the time, all the speakers will be available to answer more questions from attendees.

11:30–noon: Panel and discussion

noon–1:30pm: Lunch